Back in the day when tablets were made of paper,
and there were ample supplies of toilet paper.
This poet balanced the books year after year,
Accounting was his game, a CPA his career.
During the days, he labored in back office boilers,
stuck with only the facts, avoiding the spoilers.
He worked numbers like magic from offices with no view,
while training other people to do what monkeys could do.
Pete met many great people while paying the bills,
and was occasionally tempted by nearby windowsills.
When he stumbled into dens of numerical deceit,
the numbers were tamed, the bad stories looked neat.

The monkeys were happiest when it all ticked and tied,
they made the work glamorous and had fun when they tried.
Having good monkeys on board really does matter,
when the boss needs reports on a mahogany platter.
One day the hammer came down, it was a new regime,
ideas no longer needed, they'd brought their own team.
The writing was on the wall, when the monkeys revolted.
He packed his certificate, and out the door bolted.

Mr. Zeller now tames words and writes poetry for sport.
Thanks to many friends, family, and Dear Readers,
for their ongoing and continuos support!
I have yet to find a cloud without a silver lining
although sometimes it takes some additional mining.
Pete Zeller